Tour of Malta and Sicily
The Tour of Malta and Sicily will let you discover these two gorgeous islands separated by a stretch of sea but yet with a common past of traditions, dominations, architectonic styles and also earthquakes.
In this Tour of Malta and Sicily we sail the 90 km of sea between the two islands in order to appreciate all the aspects, colours and flavours.
The crystal-clear water, the enchanting beaches, the breathtaking views, Caravaggio’s paintings, the historical buildings will make your Tour of Malta and Sicily an unforgettable journey.
Despite all the rulers who have conquered and subjugated them because of their position in the centre of the Mediterranean Sea, these two islands have always laid themselves open to outsiders and been captivated by them all.
With the Tour of Malta and Sicily you can enjoy and personally feel the warmth of the local inhabitants famous all over the world.
The Tour of Malta and Sicily starts in Sicily, reaches Malta and goes back to Sicily for a holiday in the holiday, an island in the island.
For this Tour of Malta and Sicily Uzeda Viaggi suggests you: